Child Injuries

A detailed look at facial paralysis in childbirth

A Detailed Look at Facial Paralysis in Childbirth

Childbirth has many potential complications, especially in the case of medical negligence. One common birth injury that could leave lasting effects on a child’s life is facial paralysis. Facial paralysis is also often referred to as facial nerve palsy, as it is a type of nerve paralysis. This has long term functional and aesthetic complications […]

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A detailed look at cerebral palsy in childbirth

A Detailed Look at Cerebral Palsy in Childbirth

When delivering a baby, complications can happen. Unfortunately, some of these complications might lead to a medical condition called cerebral palsy, or CP. It is suspected that the majority of cerebral palsy cases are the result of some sort of brain injury sustained during the process of childbirth. What is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral palsy is

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A detailed look at caput succedaneum in childbirth

A Detailed Look at Caput Succedaneum in Childbirth

Despite modern medicine, childbirth injuries are not uncommon. Unfortunately, some of the applications of modern medicine can directly correlate to the incidence of a birth injury. Such is common with a condition like caput succedaneum. What is Caput Succedaneum? Caput succedaneum is a type of injury called an edema. Edema is essentially swelling caused by

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A detailed look at hemorrhages during childbirth

A Detailed Look at Hemorrhages During Childbirth

There’s nothing more stressful than hearing that the baby that you just gave birth to has sustained an injury during childbirth. Unfortunately, accidents happen that can lead to birth complications. One of the injuries that a newborn can suffer from during delivery is a hemorrhage. What’s a Hemorrhage? A hemorrhage is a type of condition

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